
Recent Events

Our Vision

Bible Brethren’s vision is worldwide.  For the past several years over 60% of our income has gone to missions.  By “missions” we refer to Gospel work beyond the reach of our local church.  We support several missionary agencies, several missionaries with mission agencies, and act as a sending agent ourselves.

We oversaw Bob and Wilma Feather in Greece and presently oversee Robynn Reno, Hannah Reno and John and Fernanda Reno in Brazil.  We also provide advice and services to several other missionaries.

We sponsor a ministry to the blind, the Indian Scripture Library and have workers specializing in evangelizing Jewish and Roman Catholic peoples.

Our motto is “The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible”.  Our creed is Christ, and our confession is that Jesus is LORD.  Our vision is the world.  We preach the crucified, risen, ascended and returning Christ.

Featured Ministry

Indian Scriptures Library

Indian Scripture Library

Indian Scripture Library In 2007 we heard from Wil Carter of his search for scriptures which had been translated into his tribal language of Cheyenne.  After much prayer and searching we located a … [Read More…]